How I Work

I am a big fan of and try to follow David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD®) methodology. This post catalogs my process and tools for working and living. Todoist GTD app. Not perfect but best I’ve found for me. Lets me stay in sync across Mac, Windows, Outlook on Windows, iOS on iPhone and iPad andContinue reading “How I Work”

Death to paper!

Today marks the next stage in my war on paper: my new ScanSnap S510M scanner arrived. Galvanized by reading “Palimpsest: the guide to a (mostly) paperless life” on 43 Folders, I ordered the scanner from Amazon last week. It arrived this afternoon, complete with 4 CDs of software (ScanSnap Manager, Cardiris 3, ABBYY FineReader and Adobe AcrobatContinue reading “Death to paper!”

Things for GTD

I’ve been trying to use Midnight Inbox from Midnight Beep Software as my primary GTD software on the Mac. I really wanted to love this application – it is beautiful to look at and it implements the GTD process at a very detailed level. I am a pretty hard-core GTD person, so a full implementation appealed. But the implementation inContinue reading “Things for GTD”

Information Overload or why we need GTD

Basex, a consulting and analysis firm focused on collaboration and information sharing in organizations has published a new report entitled  “Information Overload: We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Us“. While there is nothing startlingly new, the report is a concise, well-written treatment of the changes in work content for knowledge workers and theContinue reading “Information Overload or why we need GTD”

Getting Things Done is SOOOOOooooooo Satisfying!

The title says it all! It also explains why those of us who become GTD (Getting Things Done) fanatics tend to stay that way. While a number of online postings suggest endorphins may be the cause, various psychological texts and articles are rather equivocal. Anecdotal evidence of satisfaction from completing tasks is overwhelming, so I’ll confine myself toContinue reading “Getting Things Done is SOOOOOooooooo Satisfying!”

A little bit of order…

Labor Day weekend provided a little extra time so I attacked my office. I still have lots of boxes to go through and deal with but this half of my office is clean and organized. Cindy got her new duplexing printer from work so I now have our original LaserJet 5M printer in my office.Continue reading “A little bit of order…”

Subscribing to RSS Feeds from your Browser

Many blogs, including this one, have a little image that says “RSS” or has a little orange square with white arcs like this: . Clicking on this link will subscribe you to the blog or page content on which it appears so you can read it in an RSS reader like NetNewsWire Lite. Some blogs,Continue reading “Subscribing to RSS Feeds from your Browser”