What Wires Will Never Replace

Amber Naslund, aka AmberCadabra, Social Media and Marketing Adventurer, absolutely nails the need for real world connection in our lives on her Altitude blog:     For as much as I am an advocate of the power of connecting and humanizing people online, I hope businesses never lose sight of the things that can’t everContinue reading “What Wires Will Never Replace”

Death to paper!

Today marks the next stage in my war on paper: my new ScanSnap S510M scanner arrived. Galvanized by reading “Palimpsest: the guide to a (mostly) paperless life” on 43 Folders, I ordered the scanner from Amazon last week. It arrived this afternoon, complete with 4 CDs of software (ScanSnap Manager, Cardiris 3, ABBYY FineReader and Adobe AcrobatContinue reading “Death to paper!”